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Here in the forest, here in the cave,

A woven wonder which can withstand a wave.

Mankind marvel my creations,

When dewdrops glisten in the sun,

Yet if they saw the architect,

They’d only jump and run.


Here in my silence, here in the land,

You could ruin my home with a touch of your hand.

But I’ll come and find you,

In your deepest of dreams,

And crawl into your mouth,

Or so the legend deems.


Here in the corner, here in the dark,

Eight eyes, eight legs and a thousand prey in the park.

Shallow screens depict a villain,

A shapeshifter eager for flesh,

But if you observe my nature,

You’ll know I feed on bugs instead.


Here in the tomb, here in the church,

Across the ancient headstones torchlights search.

I’m up in the shadows,

Beside my lover’s remains,

After he fulfilled my pleasures,

I fed my children on his veins.


Don’t try to examine,

What lives inside my soul,

For it’ll tear you apart to see no goodness at all.


I am the spider.

This poem is protected by copyright of © Laura Anne Karniva, permission must be granted for use elsewhere

Background image: Surrounded by © Laura Anne Karniva, All Rights Reserved 2018
The photograph featured on this page is owned by Titters 'N' Chortles Media

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