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Rustwood Series

"All generation is alteration"


Everything is created from a previous something. Observed through eyes of perceptive thinkers across the tides of time; there is little reason to doubt that man-made objects are the manipulation of natural substances. Rolled inside the ball which we call our Earth coexist the four key elements - water, air, earth and fire. These elements provide the foundations to mankind’s creations. However, why should the human hand change the natural into the unnatural? Where can we draw the division between these two contrasting states? Where exactly in the manipulation process does this change take place? A thousand stones are cut to create a castle, but once these stones are arranged, they form an unnatural shape.

     The Rustwood Series is a photographic art project aimed to focus around the question of change. Extracted from the art of philosophical thinking; each photograph is a visual representation for the true definition of change. From rusted chains to wooden marvels, the lens will embark on an exploration of decay or defacement. The study of a material’s cycle is a fascinating one; natural wood is reshaped into an artificial door, after time this wood rots, becoming part of the earth again.

        Broken padlocks, worn rope and peeling paint from wood are insignificant details often overlooked. Some may have been abandoned for countless decades, watching the world go by, completely unnoticed. The life of nature’s gradual return onto objects, despite how chopped and changed they may be, is inevitable. It’s almost as if nature itself despises being blemished with the stigma the term ‘artificial’ seems to carry.


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Background image: Rubble by © Laura Anne Karniva, All Rights Reserved 2018
All photographs featured on this page are owned by Titters 'N' Chortles Media

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