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In This City

In this city,

Sound is silence.


Do neon roads forever drone?

Are pillows shaped like traffic cones?

Goodbye quiet night, calm and bright,

Mother’s nature is now Father’s spite.


In this city,

Grey is green.


Is the Earth harvested too?

Left to rot, a decaying fruit?

Squeezed dry, rolls from tree to bowl;

Even Eve’s apple needs concrete control.


In this city,

Light is made.


Does mankind feed on yellow stars?

Or collect them in glass jars?

For wherever they go, all are erased,

In an indigo sky without a trace.


In this city,

Death is life.

This poem is protected by copyright of © Laura Anne Karniva, permission must be granted for use elsewhere

Background image: Surrounded by © Laura Anne Karniva, All Rights Reserved 2018
The photograph featured on this page is owned by Titters 'N' Chortles Media

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