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Today I Thought I Saw You

Today I thought I heard you call,

In the wind across the land,

Today I thought I heard you part,

The wildflowers with your hand.

Today I thought I heard your laugh,

Echo throughout time, 

But the wind marred my quixotic hopes;

And the birds sang like devils,

Fooling my ears with pixie's coax, 

Of their spiteful twilight revels. 


But I thought I saw your shadow,

Slide amongst the trees,

I thought I saw your smile,

Fade in day’s incredulity.

I thought I saw your face,

Warm and wise and strong,

Yet my eyes deceive my heart, 

As you aren’t here no more;

A blemish in a forgotten landscape,

Full of weeds and open sores.


But I thought I felt your presence,

Standing behind mine,

I thought I felt your love,

Break the subdued sunshine. 

I thought I felt your hand,

Fill the empty space you left-

Vae victis!

Again I am a fool to nature’s frauds,

To spiders, bugs and goldenrods,

Butterflies, fairies toying with despair!

Reminding me that you’re not there.


A trick of the light,

An obsessive wish,

A hope caught in aching reminisce, 

Can a nightmare turn into a dream?

Can you visit me in a chance moonbeam? 


Because today I thought I saw you, 

Standing in the orchard,

But if I look too hard I will not see, 

Your spirit standing there. 

This poem is protected by copyright of © Laura Anne Karniva, permission must be granted for use elsewhere

Background image: Surrounded by © Laura Anne Karniva, All Rights Reserved 2018
The photograph featured on this page is owned by Titters 'N' Chortles Media

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