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A Brief Encounter

Go home,

It's a brief encounter.

Silence reigns,

Words fail. 


It tastes better on the back of your tongue,

You found out in the moonlight:

A streetlight on the curbside. 

Nightly wonders,

The end of Summers.

Bitter, bitter, off-the-wall, 

You're the loudest one of all,

And you come alive at night. 


How long until a face will fade from memory?

How much time will pass?

Reject, neglect, negligee,

Never worn for you, for us,

What you've done, what I've done, 

Never able to find happiness, 

So I steal somebody else's, temporary. 

Thieving corpses from the cemetery. 

I'm the quietest one of all, 

And I come alive at night. 


Your face is missing. 

Time has passed. 

The world rots from the people on it, 

People like me, 

Like you. 

Children become murderers, 

But still we patronise, such grace. 

Tease the truth, a lie is never a lie until it's said. 

So let's waste our time on earth watching it wither,

Until all the cowards fall off. 

When morning birdsong no longer sounds, 

And the ocean flows with mankind's tears. 

We are the saddest ones of all, 

And we come alive at night. 


Go home, 

It's a brief encounter. 

This poem is protected by copyright of © Laura Anne Karniva, permission must be granted for use elsewhere

Background image: Surrounded by © Laura Anne Karniva, All Rights Reserved 2018
The photograph featured on this page is owned by Titters 'N' Chortles Media

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